Monday 26 October 2009

All About Chinese Pregnancy Calendar

Parents-to-be adopt many methods to determine whether the unborn baby is a boy or a girl. The Chinese pregnancy calendar is an often used method to know about the gender of the new life in the mothers womb.

The Chinese pregnancy calendar is an ancient way for predicting the gender of the unborn child. It is also known as a Chinese conception chart, or the Chinese Conception Calendar. It is believed that this ancient method is highly accurate, although no clinical studies verify these claims.

History - Chinese Pregnancy Calendar

This chart is an ancient Chinese secret. A Chinese scientist developed this calendar, 700 years ago. According to a legend, the Chinese pregnancy calendar is capable of predicting the baby gender based on two variables: the baby month of conception and the mothers age.

This chart was kept in a royal tomb, near the city of Peking in China in ancient times. Now this original Chinese chart is on display at the Beijing Institute of Science. Many people, especially the Chinese, believe that the original Chinese pregnancy calendar is almost 100% accurate.

How it Works?

According to studies, the Chinese pregnancy calendar has been found to be 97% effective in predicting a baby gender. This accuracy is credited to the use of Chinese lunar calendar.
The Chinese pregnancy calendar is dependent on the lunar calendar. It is based on the month a baby is conceived and not the birth month. The second factor is the mothers age at the time of conception, adding 9 months to her age to adjust the lunar calendar.

The conceived month from January to December is listed on the top row of the Chinese pregnancy chart, and the left column of the chart represents the mothers age during the conception. You need to follow the steps given below to get the most accurate result from the Chinese pregnancy calendar.

1. Note down your age at the time of conception.
2. Add 9 months to the age to adjust to the lunar calendar.
3. Also note down the month when the baby was conceived.
4. Now simply search for the conceived month across the top portion of the chart and the age on the left side of the chart.
5. Lastly, follow these two coordinates to the spot where they intersect, and that will show you either a box containing B for boy, or G for girl.

In comparison to the Chinese pregnancy calendar, the ultrasound during the 7th or 8th month of the pregnancy is a more reliable method to know the gender of the child. In fact an ultrasound is use to monitor the pregnancy development week by week development right from conception till child birth.

Whether it is a boy or a girl, what does it matter? What matters is that you have fun guessing the gender of your unborn child using the Chinese calendar. All along use a pregnancy journal to record your pregnancy development week by week.

Sunday 25 October 2009

The creation of the Chinese Pregnancy Chart

The Chinese people have contributed many wonderful inventions to the world, including paper and print, gun-powder and even the compass, but one interesting discovery which occurred in Beijing approximately 750 years ago revealed a chart that is known today as the Chinese Pregnancy Calendar and also referred to as The Chinese Birth Calendar, "Baby Gender chart or Chinese Birth Charts". The original colander can still be seen at the Beijing Institute of Science in China.

The pregnancy calendar is thought to have been created not to predict the gender of the already conceived baby but to give parents a way to choose their baby’s gender by conceiving their child at a certain time of year according to the age of the mother to be. Determining the sex of the baby was once very important to many parents in Chinas history and is still an issue to many Chinese people today where many men and women have a preference for the birth of male to that of a female. Such a strong desire to have baby boys that baby girls seems to be such a convincing reason for having a gender predicting calendar (The Chinese Pregnancy Calendar).


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